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We are using 1decision to deliver our PSHE curriculum for our children at Twydall Primary school the package lots fun of resources to allow us to deliver effective and enjoyable PSHE lessons. It is a comprehensive 5-11 programme which provides a range of topics and modules to support PSHE from Reception to Year 6.


At Twydall Primary School, we promote a secure understanding of social, personal and health education (PSHE). We provide learning experiences that enable children to develop the necessary skills to participate in their local community and within the wider society. We intend to raise the profile of PSHE and British Values within our setting through many ‘real life’ experiences both on and offsite. We aim to ensure our PSHE and British Values aspects of learning are at the heart of our teaching and not simply taught through stand-alone lessons.  An important part of the PSHE curriculum, is relationships and sex education (RSE), which is lifelong learning about physical, sexual, moral and emotional development. We intend to teach our pupils the confidence to make sound decisions when facing risks and other challenges. As well as importance of caring, stable and mutually supportive relationships with another person, and how to control and understand feelings that come with being in a relationship.


Children are taught PSHE on a termly basis through circle times, assemblies and in class through the scheme 1Decision. 1Decision covers a variety of themes termly including: ‘Keeping/Staying Safe’, ‘Keeping/Staying Healthy’, ‘Relationships’, ‘Being Responsible’, ‘Feelings and Emotions’, ‘Computer Safety’, ‘Money Matters’ and ‘Hazard Watch.’ Themes are further explored and reinforced in whole school assemblies. Although British Values are not taught as discrete lessons, the relevant skills are taught throughout PSHE as well as the wider curriculum. Pupils select a School Parliament in each class to lead various events throughout the year, linked to raising the profile of these aspects of learning. We use "Circle Time" in class as a means to discuss current themes and issues. Through this, children are taught how to seek their own resolutions to problems and issues. At Twydall, RSE forms an integral part of PSHE and the wider curriculum. It is covered throughout each term through the ‘Relationships’ and ‘Growing and Changing’ unit of 1Decision. We ensure that RSE is matched to the needs of our pupils by regularly reviewing objectives and assessing the needs of pupils individually. At Twydall, we have a high percentage of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), therefore, teachers respond to the needs of the children and are proactive in ensuring that they are adapting their lessons specific needs.


By the end of Key Stage Two, all children are fully immersed and understand the importance of PSHE and British Values and the effects it can have on life in and out of school. In addition, our RSE curriculum helps to equip children with the understanding of what a healthy relationship is, the tools to how to seek can to empower themselves and be safe and safeguarded and to develop positive self-esteem and body image.

We also use our knowledge, skills and understanding framework throughout all age groups. Termly, learning books are reviewed and evidence is collected to ensure children are receiving a full PSHE curriculum and are achieving a wide variety of skills in these areas.

